Saturday, March 05, 2011


I'm going to Hawaii in a couple of days with Wendy and the bean. We spent this afternoon picking up a few items downtown (Wendy got a bathing suit, I got some shorts, the bean got a sunhat) and tomorrow we'll probably spend most of the day packing an infinity of baby things into our suitcases.

Our first proper family vacation, this trip feels historic—I mentioned to Wendy this evening that we'll be getting out the holiday photos in 20 years when the bean brings friends home from college. And then it dawned on me that in two decades we'll not be fetching dusty albums from the attic like our parents did but instead doing some unimaginably futuristic things involving holograms and brain implants. Suddenly I felt personally like an historical artifact.

Talking of photos, though, the other thing we picked up downtown was a couple of rented camera lenses. I've heard Hawaii's picturesque and I can't wait to photograph what we see while we're there.

In the meantime, here's the bean on her 217th day:

Day 217

1 comment:

Eliane said...

You can rent camera lenses? Tell me more! We're off to the Grand Canyon in just under three weeks.

As for the historic thing. I inherited my grandparents' archive including photograph albums from the 19th and early 20th century. And I still make an annual proper paper album. Because lovely as it is being able to take and store loads and loads of great pictures, there is still something about printing the best and displaying them well. And it means we actually look at them.

Have a fantastic time in Hawaii.