Tuesday, August 02, 2011

More @mention constellations

The previous post showed a glimpse of a work in progress. Today marks the first formal checkpoint of my hobby project and I'm proud to present the first full iteration at http://isaa.ch/mentions.

What you're looking at is a visualization of a sample of Twitter @mentions on one day in late June. Each vertex is a Twitter account. Each directed edge is a mention of one Twitter account by another. You can see some accounts which get mentioned a lot (lots of inbound arrows to a central point) and accounts which do a lot of mentioning (lots of outbound arrows from a central point; these are mainly automata).

I find it absolutely captivating to explore. It's like a safari of conversational molecules.

Coming soon: more details about how I generated this visualization, and how you can produce your own.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Really like this. Great idea, beautifully executed. Looking forward to the how to!